In our pursuit of entrepreneurship and financial freedom, we often push ourselves to limits we cannot fathom.

This means that we are constantly stressed, tired, ready to quit, losing faith, regaining faith, and many other feelings that makes us feel crazy! That also means that we are over-committing ourselves to things that we shouldn’t commit to in hopes that the commitment will somehow, some way come back to us, or help us get to where we want to be.

The truth is it’s not about just doing things HOPING they will help you. You need to do things with purpose. They must fulfill you or they must bring you something of value in return. Sound selfish? Well it’s not. Here is why…

“If you aren’t happy and healthy, you are worthless to your family.”

You are only as successful as you feel. If you are constantly saying yes to people and getting nothing in return, it is taking time from you building yourself and your career , and it is draining you. It is draining you of everything that is left in you that you can give to those who need it, appreciate it, and will give you the same back in return to refuel you. It is stealing from your family. It is stealing the bit of energy you have left inside of you that you can use to give to your family. If you aren’t happy and healthy, you are worthless to your family. THEY NEED YOU.

Now I know people are going to say, “ You are suppose to give without expecting anything in return!”, and while that is true, this isn’t about that. There is a difference between supporting those who need it and being taken advantage of, and being stolen from. If you are constantly giving, you have no room to receive, and that is not fair at all! You cannot do things without expecting something in return if you never feel fulfilled. Keep trying that and tell me how you feel. It’s different if you are feeling fulfilled, but I bet if you keep saying yes because you “know it will come back to you”, you will be drained, and you’ll die waiting! You can be a good person and support people and STILL say no to their requests.You can say yes to those who help you, support you, and nurture your growth, but you need to rid yourself of those who constantly ask, take, and disappear when you are looking for help with with your own growth. When you say yes to the right people, you do so because you truly do not expect anything in return because you simply know that if/when the roles are reversed, there is not even a question that they will be there.

When you are constantly helping people build, build, build, you have to remember what you are helping them build… THEMSELVES. Not your dream, but THEIR dream. Everyone is successful when each helps the other build their dream. If you are constantly helping others build their own, you leave no room or energy to build your own and no energy to help those that respect the process.

So when you are tired, stressed out, trying to get your business to the next level, be selective in your yes’s and be at peace with your no’s, because in the end, you have two types of people. The “givers” and the “takers”. People will take everything from you, but only a few will give. Sound contradictory? Go back two paragraphs.

Have no regrets through your journey. It’s okay to say no to people, and it’s not selfish one bit. In fact, it is selfless, because you are saving room for your family, your loved ones, and your dream…

Joe Ruiz, Jr. is a Social Media Manager ( , entrepreneur, and coach. You can follow him on social media as well:

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